University Medical Center Mannheim, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University Heidelberg
Together with the University Medical Centre Mannheim, the Medical Faculty Mannheim forms the Universitäts Medizin Mannheim – UMM. It was created in 1964 as second medical faculty of Heidelberg University. Originally it had a purely clinical focus but in 2006, the Medical Faculty Mannheim was transformed into a comprehensive medical faculty covering both pre-clinical and clinical training.
Role in the project
UHEI brings expertise in photon counting CT and standardized quality-ensured laboratory analysis, and will define protocols for scans with the other centers as well as curate and annotate this data for AI model development and validation. A large retrospective cohort will be defined from multimodal imaging, laboratory and clinical data. UHEI will support to develop an AI-based Clinical decision support for adipositas detection and analysis based on their interdisciplinary experience at the center of integrated diagnostics. UHEI will take part in the AI POD validation study (WP6) and foster dissemination of results (WP7).
Verena Haselmann

Her scientific expertise is in the field of molecular diagnostic, with a particular focus on liquid profiling. Additionally, she focuses on the diagnostic value of an integrative diagnostic approach and works in close cooperation with the department of radiology. Together with PD Frölich she is head of the center of integrative diagnostics (CID) at the UMM.
Matthias Frölich

PD Dr. med. Matthias Frölich is head of the research group for AI-driven image analytics at the Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine at University Medical Center Mannheim. His clinical as well as scientific focus is photon counting computed tomography and quantitative analysis of spectral photon counting data.
Additionally, he focuses on the diagnostic value of an integrative diagnostic approach and works in close cooperation with the department of laboratory medicine. Together with PD Haselmann he is head of the center of integrative diagnostics (CID) at the UMM.
Stefan Schönberg

Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Schönberg is Director and Chair of the Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine at University Medical Center Mannheim. Among other positions, he is president-elect of the International Study of Strategic Studies in Radiology (IS3R), Spokesperson of the Medical Systems Technology Research Focus of Heidelberg University, Member of the Leadership Team of the M2OLIE Research Campus.
His research focus areas include vascular and abdominal imaging, functional and high field MRI, oncologic imaging, integrated diagnostics as well as AI in radiology.
Michael Neumaier

His research focus areas include immunology with a particular focus on the innate immune system and the first description of VIREMs, molecular oncology and quality insurance in laboratory medicine